
Viking Fury Short Track Blades

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Premium Ice Tune up

Premium Ice Tune up

SKU : Premium_Ice_Tune_up
* Rocker:

* Bend:

* Sharpening:

Attaining your best performance requires of your equipment to be a finely tuned instrument.  We have the tools and expertise to maintain or restore your blades to the peak of their potential.

Premium Ice Tune-Up services include:

  • Short Track Blade Rocker: Basic rocker to a 9 meter or 10 meter radius or compound rocker to meet the most demanding skating needs.  Compound #1 is for skaters that technically sit on the back of the blade and demand maximum speed to overtake the competition.  Compound #2 is for skaters that lead and dominate the field from the front. 
  • Long Track Blade Rocker: Beyond basic blade rocker from 21 meter, 22 meter, or 23 meter radius, if you specialize in power we can deliver a 25 or 26 meter radius for the sprinter that seeks explosive power and leaves nothing in the tank at the finish line.  While for the middle and long distance skaters that require a blend of power and steering we cannot say enough about our Compound template.  
  • Blade Bending: Blades can either be straight or bent.  This optional service allows you to gain momentum around the corners but make the straights a bit more difficult to control.  We can set your blades to meet your needs, match the radius, speed, and experience of the skater.  You can contact us to give us the specifications you require, or we can guide you towards the best choice that meets your needs.
  • Blade Sharpening: Blades need edges to direct the power applied towards the ice. The best edges start with us. Choose from basic sharpening services, polishing service to reduce friction and longer lasting edges, as well as we can provide a special service to flatten the sides of the blades to a mirror finish and ensure your edges are not rippled. 


For blades that are in severe state of disrepair, we will make a physical evaluation and will contact the owner to review options, pricing and timing of the service required.  Blades beyond repair will not be accepted and will be returned at client's expense.